how it works?
In Short
1. Drop your donations at start time.
2. Go and take a walk, have a car nap, get a drink, just do something that brings you joy!
3. Return at swap start time (usually 30-45 minutes later).
4. Choose up to 10 new-to-you items.
5. Share your finds on the socials #theclothesswap.
If You Like To Know All The Details
When you arrive, we take your bag of clothes and shoes and you are free to go and do as you please (we recommend a walk with a friend). Then return at the allocated time (usually 30-45 minutes later), collect your bag and get ready to choose up to 10 new-to-you items.
In those 45 minutes, we hang the clothes. They are not sorted by size as we all know that sizes can vary. We sort by item - trousers, skirts, dresses, tops, jumpers, etc.
We don't care so much about labels, we care about quality. As long as all items are in great condition, we can accept them! A general rule is to bring items you yourself would love to take away (don't bring the black leggings that aren't squat proof. Just don't do it!). The clothes can be any size as long as they are in great condition.
We don't want swimwear, pyjamas, sportswear or underwear!
When you are happy with the items you have chosen, we have a quick count up and you can head home. Make sure to tag us when you share your new outfits online #theclothesswap.
Clothes Swapping is the best way to update your wardrobe without spending money and it's kinder to the planet. Giving away items you no longer wear but you know they still have life in them.
Swap don't shop!
It's not news to anyone that the planet is in crisis and a huge part of that is due to the fashion industry, from the production all the way to the disposal. 40% of all fabric fibre produced is polyester which is not a sustainable textile option.
Fast fashion is damaging our world but more than that, it's encouraging the lifestyle of wear once, then get rid of it. This is ok if you're passing your unwanted clothes to charity or another reusable source. But how do you replenish your wardrobe? Shopping new is where the issue is, that's where clothes swaps come in - being able to rotate your wardrobe on a regular basis without adding to the demand of new items being made. Charity shops are also great but often, their stock has been on the rails for a while and can be outdated.
We totally get that it's not always possible to shop secondhand as you might not find what you're looking for, but having it as an option is a great step in the right direction.